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Vigor Roots™ Scalp Care Tips


Vigor Roots™ Scalp Care Tips – Isa Gautschi

7 Signs You Should See a Doctor About Your Dry Scalp & Hair Loss

Dry scalp is a common complaint, and many cases can be easily treated with proper scalp care, natural remedies, and over-the-counter medications. But, sometimes a dry scalp is a symptom of a more serious problem that needs to be treated by a doctor before it leads to permanent hair loss. Here are 7 scenarios in which you should definitely book an appointment with a doctor, preferably a dermatologist- a doctor who specializes in conditions of the skin, hair, and nails. #1: You Have Excessive Itching Itchy scalps are common, but not to be ignored. The truth is, your scalp should be comfortable! So whenever your scalp is persistently itchy, it’s time to start paying attention. “Your scalp should not be itching you extensively,” says Vigor Roots Founder Nathalee DuRose. “It’s OK to have a random itch, but if you realize that within a day you’re scratching your head 10 times or itching for minutes at a time- you should see a doctor.” Persistently itchy scalps can be a symptom of a variety of conditions that require treatment like dandruff, ringworm, or lichen planus. Further, scratching can irritate and tear the sensitive skin of the scalp- which can lead to infection. So, if you’ve got an itchy scalp- step one is to make sure you have a healthy scalp care routine that includes: Regular washing & moisturizing Gentle hair care products & tools Styling that doesn’t place excessive tension on the scalp, use harsh chemicals, or heat styling tools If the itch persists despite a gentle scalp care routine, it’s time to get it checked out by a doctor. #2: Stubborn Rashes, Bumps, Flaking, or Scarring Healthy scalps feel smooth, moisturized, and comfortable. Flaking, pimples, bumps, and rashes are all signs of an unhappy scalp. That’s why regularly running your fingers over your scalp to check for any changes in the texture is an important part of scalp health. DuRose recommends doing at least a monthly self scalp examination so that you can catch on to any potential issues early enough to treat them. “When I hear people discussing their scalp conditions, it is sometimes apparent that they have spent months, probably years, missing subtle signs, symptoms, and preventable causes,” she says. “These could have been resolved with a slight change in routine, or the application of a scalp serum to treat an infection unintentionally left untreated.” Should you come across a bump or rough patch, DuRose recommends looking at it with a mirror or using your phone to photograph it. Make sure the area is washed and moisturized with gentle products that don’t contain irritants. Bonus points if they include natural ingredients with antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties such as Root22Serum. Then monitor the area to see if it clears up. If proper cleansing and moisturizing doesn’t take care of the issue within a month, DuRose says it’s time to see a doctor. #3: Your Stylist Says To If your stylist has concerns about your scalp, take it seriously. They can see more of it than you can, plus they have the training and experience to notice when something is amiss. It’s especially important to get your scalp taken care of if you’re planning on bleaching, dying, relaxing, or perming your hair or if you’re going to have a tension style put in. These hairstyles are likely to strain even a healthy scalp, so if your stylist has concerns, pump the breaks. When your scalp is in poor condition, moving forward with this sort of styling is a recipe for hair loss. Moral of the story: follow your stylist's advice for scalp care- whether it’s a deep moisturizing treatment or an appointment with a dermatologist. #4: You’ve Tried a Treatment for 6 Months & It Hasn’t Worked Perhaps you’ve followed your stylist’s recommendations and/or have been trying all the natural remedies and all the over-the-counter treatments- but your scalp is still uncomfortable and your hair hasn’t returned to full thickness. DuRose says that if you’ve fully committed to scalp care for 6 months and still haven’t seen an improvement, it’s time to talk to a doctor. #5: You’re Considering a Hair Transplant Before you spend thousands on a hair transplant surgery that your insurance won’t cover, head to the dermatologist to see if less drastic and expensive treatments can get you the results you want. Not everyone is a suitable candidate for a hair transplant surgery, and hair transplant surgeries are not guaranteed to work. Improper hair transplants can actually wind up damaging hair follicles that could have been healed enough for new hair growth with the help of a dermatologist and proper scalp care. Several disappointed hair transplant patients are DMing DuRose for scalp advice as we speak, dismayed that the procedure didn’t result in restored, healthy hair. It’s true that proper scalp care will not be a quick fix for hair thinning- DuRose says to give it 6-12 months to fully take effect. But, proper scalp care is much gentler and less expensive than heading right for the hair transplant surgeon. Think of it, instead of running up a $4,000+ surgery bill, your dermatologist may just suggest you change up your diet and avoid certain ingredients in your hair care products. If you do decide to move forward with a hair transplant, no judgment. But do make sure to check with your dermatologist first about whether or not you’re a good candidate. Then do your research and only use a specialized hair transplant surgeon with a track record of getting people good results. #6: You Have Hair Loss and an Autoimmune Disease Certain autoimmune diseases like lupus, Hashimoto’s disease, psoriasis, and more can result in hair loss. If you have an autoimmune disease and are experiencing an uncomfortable scalp and/or hair thinning, it’s important to discuss remedies with a dermatologist- as the most effective treatments are likely specific to your condition rather than something you can easily find with a Google search. In some cases, folks with autoimmune diseases are not able to regrow healthy hair- but they can certainly still care for their scalp and rock bald is beautiful or hairless & handsome. #7: You’re Taking a Medication That Counters Hair Growth Hair loss can be a side effect for many common types of medications from birth control, to thyroid medications, to antibiotics, and mood stabilizers. Check if your medications have hair loss as a possible side effect. If so, talk to your doctor about how to address it. It’s Not Too Late for Scalp Health If you’re having trouble with your scalp and hair loss, please know you’re not alone. “There is so much shame- so much pressure to look and feel good about your hair. Once people do not measure up to that standard, they are depressed and disengaged from social lifestyles, “ DuRose explains. Regardless of your ability to grow hair, you deserve a healthy, comfortable scalp and peace of mind. Rather than suffer in silence and shame, book an appointment with a dermatologist to treat your scalp. It also helps to find a supportive community of others going through similar issues. Not sure where to find that community? Follow us on Instagram, and remember our DMs are always open for your scalp and hair questions. Want to infuse your scalp care routine with extra love and extra health? You’re going to want to get your hands on some Root22Serum.

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Vigor Roots™ Scalp Care Tips – Scalp Care Team

Use Scalp Care to Treating Traction Alopecia and Stagnant Hair Growth

Traction alopecia or thinning edges is hair loss that's caused by repeatedly pulling on your hairline. Tightly held hairstyles, like dreadlocks, hair extensions, scratching of hair, using rough pillows while sleeping, or excessive hair pulling (trichotillomania). Our concentrated formula was designed to treat the scalp and prevent concerns like dryness, flaking, product build-up, thinning, hair loss and sustain hair growth.  

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Vigor Roots™ Scalp Care Tips – Isa Gautschi

Why Scalp Massage is a Must for Your Hair Care Routine

Not only do scalp massages feel amazing, they’re actually great for the health of your hair as well! Here’s why you should seriously consider including scalp massage in your regular hair care routine- no matter your budget. (No, you don’t have to book an expensive masseuse or buy one of those scalp massager thingies unless you want to.)   Good Blood Flow May Lead to Healthier, Thicker Hair Though research is limited, there is some evidence that blood flow to your hair follicles helps you to grow healthy hair- while the reverse may contribute to hair loss.That’s why it’s so important to give your hair breaks from any hairstyles or hats that pull on your hairline or cause tension on your scalp. Otherwise, you risk developing scalp conditions like dryness, skin irritation, and even hair loss.If you love a wig, invest in ones you can remove nightly. If you rock weaves, box braids, cornrows, twists, or other protective styles, Vigor Roots CEO Nathalee DuRore recommends giving your hair a break from any tension style every 4-6 weeks. It’s best if you give your hair at least 2 weeks off from tension styles, she says.In the meantime, you can still be enjoying scalp massage whether you’re wearing a protective style or not. Why We Love a Good Scalp Massage Though research is limited, there is some evidence that regularly massaging the scalp with the fingertips stimulates the hair follicles to produce thicker hair. It may also encourage hair growth by activating the blood vessels beneath the skin of the scalp.When you or someone else massages your scalp it: Tends to feel amazing Is relaxing (which may help you prevent stress-related hair loss) Relieves tension that may have been constricting blood flow Helps to relax your mind & body May alleviate headache symptoms May lower blood pressure What’s not to love?  How To Give Yourself a Scalp Massage Your fingertips and a few seconds are really all you need to give yourself an enjoyable and relaxing scalp massage. Although you can get as fancy with this as you want, most experts agree that a key component of a good scalp massage is to use the pads of your fingers to massage in a circular motion all over your scalp. Just make sure not to use your nails so you don’t accidentally irritate your scalp or break off your strands.YouTube is a great resource for how to give yourself a scalp massage to achieve different goals, but here are a few of our favorites that you can do in under 10 minutes: Scalp Massage For Natural Hair Growth Scalp Massage for When Your Hair is In Braids   An Ayurvedic Technique to Reduce Hair Fall Scalp Massage for Pain & Stress Reduction   How To Work Scalp Massage into Your Regular Hair Care Routine It’s easier than you think to work scalp massage into your daily hair care regimen. In fact, DuRose says that if you’re washing your hair every week or so, you probably don’t have to worry about your scalp circulation because the simple act of shampooing and conditioning is enough to stimulate normal blood flow.But if you want to make wash day extra fun and beneficial, massage your shampoo into your scalp! Make sure to work the shampoo into your hair line, underneath your hair, and your roots all over so that you can get your scalp properly cleansed and exfoliated. “When it comes to shampooing, you should always use your fingertips and massage your roots. Really scrub your scalp,” says DuRose. Using a nourishing, natural scalp serum at least a couple times a week is also essential to maintaining a healthy scalp and happy hair. When applying your scalp serum or hair oil, you can use the pads of your fingers to massage it into your scalp. Or, for an even more relaxing experience, you can use our Root22Serum, which has a roller ball applicator, perfect for gently massaging the serum into your roots.You can also use scalp massage as a nightly routine so that you can relax and fall asleep easier, or as a ritual to release stress at any time throughout your day. Or you can set aside 30 seconds for scalp massage when styling your hair so that you can conveniently incorporate it into your daily ritual.Bottom line? Make time for regular scalp massage. You deserve it, and your hair will thank you for it. One of the reasons customers adore our signature Root22Serum is because the roller ball applicator makes it so that every time you apply the product to your roots, you can’t help but give yourself a scalp massage! Plus, this no-waste packaging prevents you from accidentally dumping half the product out whenever you apply it- preventing you from having to frequently reup. Which is nice on the environment and nice on the wallet.  

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